The Wrong Man Kevin Dowling and Jennifer Myers.

On American Monster, Season Two, The Wrong Man about the murder of Jennifer Myers. Kevin had previously robbed and attempted to rape her. His motive was to get rid of the only witness against him. A NASA scientist was able to debunk his fishing video using sun positioning and shadows.
Kevin Dowling Was convicted of the crime and was sentenced to death As
you can see, prison has not been kind to him... Dowling received a stay of execution in 2007, but nothing has happened with his case recently.

Since then, Kevin Dowling has been incarcerated at SCI Greene.

You can write to them at:

Smart Communications/PADOC
Kevin Dowling DY6243
SCI Greene
PO Box 33028
St Petersburg, FL 33733

State Appeal 


If you have knowledge of this person or have been impacted by their nefarious actions, please feel free to leave a comment below expressing this. We respect the rights of victims to feel however they feel about what has happened.


  1. Why is this man still on death row he should’ve been put to death years ago I knew Jennifer Myers wonderful person and mother wife

    1. I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY!!👍🏾✌🏾

    2. There is something VERY unfair about the judicial system--it forces us, along with the family of victims to support murderer like this low life Kevin Dowling. They get the death penality and it is rarely ever carried out especially if their ass is White!

  2. Put this scum bag where he the ground

  3. This piece of human garbage sits in his cell writing about how he was framed for murder when he should have been executed years ago. Talk about a travesty of justice...

  4. Its too easy Death. They shoud suffer all There life un prison with ni way out

  5. Death penalty should mean death penalty, not 25 years of appeals when the evidence showed without a doubt that this monster killed this poor women to avoid jail term for robbery and attempted rape!

  6. Put him a cell with a hungry alagator,

  7. Replies
    1. As a family member of his former wife and his 3 kids, you're a complete idiot! That POS was a monster to his wife & oldest daughter! He is the definition of a monster!


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